Pronunciation of
Johannes Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem)
by Cliff Lamere January 2011
This webpage attempts to show singers how to pronounce the Brahm' Requiem in American English (which would be different from British English).
Understanding the Sound Descriptions Used in this Webpage
American English Description I Use |
American English Sound |
American English Description I Use |
American English Sound |
ah |
as in Father |
nğ |
soft ng as in Singer |
aw |
as in Saw |
oh |
as in Hope |
ai |
as in Main |
oo |
as in Soon |
ee |
as in Seen |
ow |
as in Cow |
e or eh |
as in Set |
oy |
as in Toy |
hh |
exhaled sound of CH |
ř |
almost silent |
i or ih |
as in Sit |
r |
a flipped r |
Ī or ī |
as in Pipe |
uh |
as in But |
Û or û |
u as in Put or Push |
The German vowel ü is closer to ee than oo, but it is in between. To say it, shape your lips to say oo, but say ee instead. Below, I represent the sound as ee.
In Ein Deutsches Requiem, Johannes Brahms used biblical quotations as the text for his composition. There are about 70 short lines of German. In the table below, for each German word I show the phonetic pronunciaton in English. The table above shows my description of each American English sound. Understanding those will allow you to accurately interpret how I would say each German word.
Websites which will pronounce German words for you disagree with each other about the pronunciation. This is probably due to the fact that there are many German dialects. In some cases, Victor Klimash may prefer a different pronunciation from what I present on this webpage.
Caution: The table below is 4 columns wide. Cursor over to see the ones that are beyond the right edge of the screen.
For singers not familiar with the pronunciation of German, some of these suggestions may help. We each learn best in our own way. Select from the options below.
A) Read the phonetic transliteration of the German phrases. Using the small table above as a reference, pronounce all of the text of the Brahms' Requiem a couple of times or more. You will have difficulty understanding or remembering some pronunciations.
B) Refer to my webpage called "Guide to German Pronunciation For Singers". It is an extensive attempt to teach you how to pronounce each vowel, consonant, and various combinations of two letters. When you don't understand something on this Brahms Requiem webpage, refer to the Guide.
Write some or all of the pronunciations into your score.
The 4-column table below has also been reduced to just the two essential columns, then put on another webpage for easier printing. You may prefer to have a printed copy for times when you are not in front of your computer. Click here to look at that copy.
To sing the words of the Requiem, you may want to study how to pronounce the language itself, then apply what you have learned as you arrive at each word to sing. See "Guide to German Pronunciation For Singers".
Unlike other requiems, the word requiem appears only in the title of this composition.
I have used the German text and its English translation as they appear on Wikipedia Encyclopedia [Source]. The phonetics are mine.
Victor Klimash has been consulted concerning the pronunciations he will teach in the rehearsals and performance. Those pronunciations have been included here. Some of his comments follow. They appear as quotations.
Flipped R
Victor Klimash says that a single or double [r] "should generally be flipped, except in a polysyllabic word ending in -er; then it functions like the English -er."
To roll or trill an R, the tongue is held lightly against the ridge just behind the top teeth where it vibrates several times. To flip an R, the tongue lightly stikes that ridge only once. It requires some practice.
Vowels Containing Umlauts
ö - "should be pronounced as you indicate (with the silent [r])"
I represent that as eř, the ř meaning an almost silent [r]. I don't believe that VK meant an absolutely silent [r].
ü - "should be pronounced like a long [ee] through the lips shaped like an [oo]"
ch - "takes the physical place of the vowel which precedes it; so it has a different sound depending on the
vowel. I will explain this in our rehearsals. (I use the examples nicht, necht, nacht, noch, buch.)"
Later, he wrote, "I begin the teaching of the German [ch] sound by having everyone first say the [sh] sound in English, noticing that their teeth are together. I then ask them to separate their teeth and slightly lower the jaw. This gives the sound of the [ch] preceded by [i] as in ich. We then proceed through the vowel triangle from front to back [i, e, a, o, u] adding the [ch] to the end of the vowel sound, and noticing that the "taste" (placement) of the [ch] changes depending on the "taste" (placement ) of the vowel. (This is all more easily demonstrated than explained.) I hope this helps."
I presently show the sound of [ch] as hh to represent the exhaled air that accompanies this pronunciation.
Phrases in Johannes Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem
1a |
Selig sind, die da Leid tragen, |
Zai-lik zint, dee dah Līt Trah-gen, |
Blessed are they that mourn, |
Matthew 5:4 |
denn sie sollen getröstet werden |
den zee zaw-len geh-treř-stet vair-den |
for they shall be comforted. |
1b |
Die mit Tränen säen, werden mit Freuden ernten. |
Dee mit Trai-nen zai-en, vair-den mit Froy-den airn-ten |
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. |
Psalm 126:5-6 |
Sie gehen hin und weinen und tragen edlen Samen, |
zee gai-en hin ũnt vī-nen ũnt trah-gen aid-len Zah-men |
They that go forth and weep, bearing precious seed, |
und kommen mit Freuden und bringen ihre Garben |
ũnt kaw-men mit Froy-den ũnt brinğ-en ee-reh Gar-ben |
shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing their sheaves with them. |
2a |
Denn alles Fleisch ist wie Gras |
Den ahl-es Flīsh ist vee Grahs |
For all flesh is as grass, |
1 Peter 1:24 |
und alle Herrlichkeit des Menschen wie des Grases Blumen. |
ûnt ah-leh Hair-lihh-kīt dais Men-shen vee dais Grahs-es Bloom-en |
and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. |
Das Gras ist verdorret und die Blume abgefallen. |
Dahs Grahs ist fair-daw-ret ûnt dee Bloom-eh ahb-geh-fah-len. |
The grass withers, and the flower thereof falleth away. |
2b |
So seid nun geduldig, lieben Brüder, bis auf die Zukunft des Herrn. |
Zo zīt nûn gai-dool-dik, lee-ben Bree-deř bis owf dee Tsoo-kûnft dais Hairn |
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. |
James 5:7 |
Siehe, ein Ackermann wartet auf die köstliche Frucht der Erde |
Zee-eh, īn Ahk-er-mahn var-tet owf dee köst-lihh-eh Froohht dair Air-deh |
Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, |
und ist geduldig darüber, bis er empfahe den Morgenregen und Abendregen. |
ûnt ist gai-dool-dik dah-ree-beř bis air emp-fah-eh dain Mor-gen-rai-gen ûnt Ah-bent-rai-gen. |
and has long patience for it, until he receive the morning and evening rain. |
So seid geduldig. |
Zo zīt gai-dool-dik. |
Be patient therefore. |
2c |
Aber des Herrn Wort bleibet in Ewigkeit. |
Ah-beř dais Hairn Vort blī-bet in Ai-vig-kīt. |
But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. |
I Peter 1:25 |
2d |
Die Erlöseten des Herrn werden wieder kommen |
Dee Air-leř-set-en dais Hairn vair-den vee-deř-kaw-men |
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, |
Isaiah 35:10 |
und gen Zion kommen mit Jauchzen. Freude, ewige Freude wird über ihrem Haupte sein; |
ûnt gain TSee-awn kaw-men mit Yowhh-tsen Froy-deh, ai-vee-geh Froy-deh virt ee-beř ee-rem Howp-teh zīn |
and come to Zion with songs |
Freude und Wonne werden sie ergreifen, |
Froy-deh ûnt Vaw-neh vair-den zee air-grī-fen, ûnt Shmairts ûnt Zoyf-tsen virt vaik mee-sen |
they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. |
3a |
Herr, lehre doch mich, daß ein Ende mit mir haben muß, |
Hair, lair-eh dawhh mihh, dahs īn End-eh mit meer hah-ben mûs, |
Lord, make me to know mine end,
Wisdom of Solomon 3:1 |
und mein Leben ein Ziel hat, und ich davon muß. |
ûnt mīn Lai-ben īn Tseel haht ûnt ihh dah-fawn mûs |
and the measure of my days,
what it is: |
Siehe, meine Tage sind einer Hand breit vor dir, |
Zee-eh, mīn-eh Tahg-eh zint īn-eř Hahnd-brīt for deer |
Behold, thou hast made my
days |
und mein Leben ist wie nichts vor dir. |
ûnt mīn Lai-ben ist vee nihhts for deer. |
and mine age is as nothing before thee. |
3b |
Ach, wie gar nichts sind
alle Menschen, |
Ahhh, vee gar nihhts zint ahl-leh Men-shen, dee dawhh zoh zihh-eř lai-ben. |
Verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. |
Sie gehen daher wie ein Schemen, Unruhe; |
Zee gai-en dah-haiř vee īn Shai-men ûnt mah-hhen ee-nen feel fair-gai-blihh-eh Ûn-roo-eh ; |
Surely every man walks in a vain show:
sie sammeln, und wissen nicht, |
zee zah-meln, ûnt vis-en nihht, vair es kree-gen virt. |
he heaps up riches, and knows
not |
Nun, Herr, wes soll ich mich trösten? |
Nûn, Hair, vais zawl ihh mihh treř-sten |
And now, Lord, what wait I for? |
3c |
Ich hoffe auf dich. |
Ihh haw-feh owf dihh. |
My hope is in thee. |
Psalm 39:5-8 |
3d |
Der Gerechten Seelen sind in Gottes Hand,
und keine Qual rühret sie an. |
Dair Ger-ehh-ten Zai-len zint in Gaw-tes Hahnt,
ûnt Kī-neh kvahl ree-ret zee ahn. |
The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God and there shall no torment touch them. |
Wisdom of Solomon 3:1 |
4a |
Wie lieblich sind deine
Wohnungen, |
Vee leeb-lihh zint dī-neh Vo-nûnğ-en Hair Tsai-bah-awt |
How lovely are thy tabernacles, |
Psalm 84:1,2,4 |
4b |
Meine Seele verlanget und
sehnet sich |
Mī-neh Zai-leh fair-lahnğ-et ûnt zai-net zihh nahhh dain For-heř-fen dais Hairn; |
My soul longs, yea, even faints for the courts of the Lord: |
4c |
mein Leib und Seele freuen sich |
Mīn Līp ûnt Zai-leh froy-en zihh in daim lai-ben-di-gen Gawt. |
my heart and my flesh cries out |
4d |
Wohl denen, die in deinem Hause
wohnen, |
Vohl dai-nen, dee in dī-nem How-zeh voh-nen dee loh-ben dihh im-mer-dahř. |
Blessed are they that dwell in
thy house: |
5a |
Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit; |
Eer hahbt nûn Trow-rig-kīt; ah-beř ihh vil oyhh vee-der-zai-en |
And ye now therefore have
sorrow: |
John 16:22 |
und euer Herz soll sich freuen, |
ûnt oy-eř Hairts zawl zihh froy-en |
and your heart shall rejoice, |
und eure Freude soll niemand von euch nehmen. |
ûnt oy-reh Froy-deh zawl nee-mahnt fawn oyhh nai-men. |
and your joy no man taketh from you. |
5b |
Sehet mich an: Ich habe eine
kleine Zeit |
Zai-et mihh ahn: Ihh hah-beh ī-neh klī-neh Tsīt Mee-eh ûnt Ar-bīt gai-hahbt |
Behold with your eyes, how that I have but little labour, |
Sirach 51:35 |
und habe großen Trost funden. |
ûnt hah-beh grohs-en Trawst fûn-den. |
and have gotten unto me much rest. |
5c |
Ich will euch trösten, |
Ihh vil oyhh treř-sten, vee ī-nen zī-neh Mût-eř treř-stet |
As one whom his mother
comforts, |
Isaiah 66:13 |
6a |
Denn wir haben hie
bleibende Statt, |
Den veer hah-ben hee kī-neh blī-ben-deh Shtaht, zawn-dern dee tsoo-keenf-tih-geh zoo-hhen veer. |
For here have we no continuing
city, |
Hebrews 13:14 |
6b |
Siehe, ich sage euch ein Geheimnis: |
Zee-eh, ihh zah-geh oyhh īn Geh-hīm-nis: |
Behold, I show you a mystery: |
I Corinthians 15:51-55 |
Wir werden nicht alle entschlafen, |
Veer vair-den nihht ah-leh ent-shlah-fen, Veer vair-den ah-beř ahl fair-vahn-delt vair-den; |
we shall not all sleep, |
und dasselbige plötzlich, in einem Augenblick, |
ûnt dahs-el-bee-geh pleřts-lihh in ī-nem Ow-gen-blik tsoo dair TSīt dair let-tsen Poh-zow-neh. |
in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trumpet: |
Denn es wird die Posaune schallen,
unverweslich, |
Den es virt dee Poh-zow-neh shah-len, ûnt dee Toh-ten vair-den ow-fair-shtai-en ûn-fair-ves-lihh ûnt veer vair-den fair-vahn-delt vair-den. |
for the trumpet shall sound,
incorruptible, |
Dann wird erfüllet werden das Wort, das geschrieben steht: |
Dahn virt air-fee-let vair-den dahs Vort, dahs geh-shree-ben shtait: Dair Toht ist fair-shlûnğ-en in dain Zeek. |
Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is
written, |
Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? |
Toht, voh ist dīn Shtahh-el? Heř-leh, voh ist dīn Zeek? |
O death, where is thy sting? |
6c |
Herr, du bist würdig, |
Hair, doo bist veer-dik, tsoo nai-men Prīs ûnt Air-eh ûnt Krahft, |
Thou art worthy, O Lord, |
Revelation 4:11 |
denn du hast alle Dinge geschaffen, |
den doo hahst ah-leh Dinğ-eh geh-shah-fen, |
for thou hast created all things, |
und durch deinen Willen haben sie das Wesen |
ûnt doorhh dī-nen Vill-en hah-ben zee dahs Vai-zen ûnt zint geh-shah-fen. |
and for thy pleasure they are
Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herren sterben, von nun an. |
Zai-lik zint dee Toh-ten, dee in daim Hair-en shtair-ben, fawn noon ahn. |
Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord, from henceforth. |
Revelation 14:13 |
Ja, der Geist spricht, daß sie ruhen von ihrer Arbeit; denn ihre Werke folgen ihnen nach. |
Yah dair Gīst shprihht, dahs zee roo-en fawn eer-eř Ar-bīt; den eer-eh Vair-keh fohl-gen ee-nen nahh. |
Yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; |
Webpages prepared specifically for singing the Brahms Requiem
Learn to pronounce German words
Phonetic pronuciation of the German text of the Brahms Requiem (four columns) [this webpage]
Two-column version of the previous (better for printing)
Directions to Union College parking, rehearsal hall, place to buy scores, etc.
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