A Catalogue of the Officers and Members of the
Pearl Street Baptist Church,
Albany, New York - 1866
Scans & Text by Betty Fink
Webpage by Cliff Lamere 5 April 2015
Note from CWL: For the membership of this church, Betty Fink has provided scanned images from an old publication. Since names on images cannot be found by a search engine, she has also provided an alphabetized list of surnames which can be searched. Some of the members had apparently moved without revoking their membership, because some live in distant locations in the state, and several lived in a different state. A valuable part of this membership is the local street address given in most cases.
"Baptists are individuals who comprise a group of denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that baptism should be performed only for professing believers (believer's baptism, as opposed to infant baptism), and that it must be done by complete immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling)." [several sources]
Surnames on the images below: Adams, Ainsworth, Allen, Anderson, Bailey, Ball, Ballard, Bancroft, Barker, Bartlett, Barnes, Barton, Bayeux, Bedell, Bellinger, Beman, Benedict, Benham, Billson, Bishop, Boardman, Boughton, Bridgman, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Bruce, Buchanan, Buckley, Burnett, Burrows, Burt, Butler, Cameron, Campbell, Caroy, Carles, Carlson, Carrier, Carter, Case, Charles, Champenoy, Christie, Clark, Clapp, Colby, Coleman, Coley, Comstock, Cordell, Craft, Covert, Crannell, Cummings, Cure, Curtis, Darley, Davey, Davis, Day, DeLong, Dickerman, Dillon, Dingham, Drake, Dunning, Eastman, Eaton, Edinger, Eddy, Emslie, Fairchild, Farnham, Fassett, Fearey, Featherly, Fellows, Ferguson, Filkins, Fisher, Fitzsimmons, Fonda, Forby, Ford, Forrester, Fradgley, Fredenrich, Frothingham, Fuller, Garnsey, Gay, Gifford, Gladding, Goold, Gracie, Greene, Green, Greenwood, Gregory, Griffith, Hackett, Hadley, Hague, Hailes, Hallenbeck, Harris, Harrison, Haskell, Havens, Haynor, Henderson, Herbert, Hermor, Hewit, Heyden, Hill, Holden, Holmes, Hooper, Horten, Howard, Hoyer, Hubbell, Humphrey, Hunsdown, Huxdon, James, Jarvis, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Judson, Keeling, Kelley, Kennedy, Ketchum, Keyser, Knowlton, Lansing, Lathrup, Lawrence, Leach, Leak, Lee, Lewis, Little, Lloyd, Lockrow, Ludden, Mack, Marcey, Marble, Marsden, Marshall, Marsham, McCready, McCardle, McCasky, McDonald, McDendie, McElroy, McEntee, McNab, Merrifield, Mesick, Miles, Millard, Mix, Moquon, Morehead, Morrell, Moseley, Moss, Murphy, Nash, Nelligar, Northrop, Osborn, Olcott, Ott, Owens, Paddock, Paige, Palmer, Pangburn, Parker, Pease, Peck, Perry, Pester, Pettengill, Pettit, Phelon, Phillips, Pohlman, Porter, Post, Pratt, Putnam, Pruyn, Radcliff, Ramsay, Randall, Rathbone, Reed, Ritenger, Robinson, Root, Russell, Safford, Salisbury, Savage, Sartin, Sawyer, Sayles, Scott, Seeley, Serviss, Shaw, Shelden, Sheldon, Shepard, Sickles, Simpson, Slaussen, Sloan, Smith, Soule, Southwick, Spencer, Sprong, Staats, Stanford, Stedman, Stevenson, Stoop, Stone, Sturdevant, Swan, Sweet, Touzeau, Tebbut, Thrall, Todd, Townsend, Tripp, Udell, Underwood, Van Allen, Van Alstyne, Van Antwerp, Van Benthuysen, Van Buren, Van Heusen, Van Sickler, Vaughn, Vile, Visscher, Vose, Wait, Wasson, Waterbury, Webster, Welch, Wells, Wendell, Wheeler, Whipple, Whitbeck, White, Wilson, Wing, Winne, Woodruff, Woolverton, Yeoman, and Young.
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